Supporting Students

Student Services Team

The social and emotional health and well being of all students at Bateman Primary is a high priority as it plays an important factor who well a student will achieve in all areas of their schooling.  The members of the team are as follows:

  • Marc Locket - Principal
  • Cath Parry - Deputy Principal
  • Jordan Block -Deputy Principal, Student Services
  • Jane Nolan - LSC GaTE 
  • Tanya Howarth - School Psychologist
  • Chaplain - Jackson Dolley

If you have a concern about your child and feel they may need to access this support, please see your child's teacher in the first instance.  They will be able to assist you and also talk to the necessary member of the team to action further assistance.

Learning Support Coordinators

SAER - Jordan Block  - assists with students who are at educational risk in the areas of learning, behaviour and well being (social and emotional).

GaTE - Jane Nolan - assists with students in the areas of gifted and talented education including twice exceptional students.

School Psychologist

The School Psychologist, - Tanya Howarth - works at Bateman Primary School on Tuesdays and Thursdays each term.  She can be accessed through referral from the class teacher or by contacting Jordan Block, Deputy Principal, Student Services.

School Chaplain

The School Chaplain - Jackson Dolley - works at Bateman Primary School on Tuesdays and some Fridays each term,  He can be accessed thropugh referral from parents, class teacher or Jordan Block, Dpeuty Principal, Student Services

Private Service Providers

Click here for information about private services at the school that are supplementary to school operations.