
Thank you for your interest in an enrolment at Bateman Primary.

We are a school that always welcomes new students, however due to the high demand for places at the school the Department of Education has designated Bateman as a local intake area school and priority of enrolment is given to children who reside within the boundaries of this school. Cross boundary admission will only occur if there are places available.

All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled in school and attend every day – this is the law. In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-primary.

Forms for Kindergarten and Pre-Primary to Year 6 are included on this page. The Information Booklet is also included. Click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Our school boundaries are:-

  • Leach Highway (odd numbers)
  • Kwinana Freeway
  • South Street
  • Prescott Drive
  • Somerville Boulevard
  • Murdoch Drive


KINDY APPLICATIONS FOR ENROLMENT for 2025 will open in Term 2 

When enrolling your child, you will be asked to provide:

  • your child's birth certificate (original or certified copy) or birth extract or equivalent identity documents
  • your child's immunisation records from the Australian Immunisation Register (1800 653 809), dated within two months of the application submission
  • proof of your child's usual place of residence eg. a lease agreement of at least six months or proof of ownership of a property such as a land rates notice, and a recent gas or electrical account. A Statutory Declaration may be required.
  • copies of Family Court or other court orders (if applicable)
  • visa details (if applicable)

If you wish to use the electronic version of the Application for Enrolment form, please click on the link below to download it to fill it in. Then you will need to save it and email it to this address:

bateman.ps@education.wa.edu.au with all supporting documentation as per the above list.

Applications should be submitted by 22 July 2024 to be considered for the school's first round offers.  You can still apply after 22 July, but his may mean that your child misses out on a place if the first round offers were all accepted.


2025 Application for Enrolment Forms

BPS 2025 PP-Yr 6 Application for Enrolment

BPS Student Health Care Summary Form 1


2024 Application for Enrolment Forms

BPS 2024 PP - Yr 6 Application for Enrolment

BPS Student Health Care Summary Form 1


Kindergarten Enrolment Forms for 2024 and 2025

BPS 2024 Kindergarten Application For Enrolment Form

BPS 2025 Kindergarten Application For Enrolment Form

Please also complete the following forms when submitting your Application for Kindergarten:

BPS Student Health Care Summary Form 1

Additional Information for Students Enrolling in Kindergarten


Please use the attached checklist to ensure you have submitted all the required documents:

Documents to be provided with Enrolment Application



Overseas Students

Students who were born overseas must be naturalised Australians or hold an appropriate visa before enrolling at the school. For overseas students who are in Australia using an entry visa it is necessary that we sight the passport of the parent - primary visa holder – and student at this time.


Special Needs

Parent of students with special needs should discuss adjustments that will be necessary in the classroom and playground, at enrolment, to allow us to best accommodate their child and provide for a smooth transition to their new school.



Parent Information Booklet 2024



K Booklist

PP Booklist

Yr 1 Booklist

Yr 2 Booklist

Yr 3 Booklist

Yr 4 Booklist

Yr 5 Booklist

Yr 6 Booklist