Gifted and Talented

Inclusive education principles are central to Bateman Primary School and we recognise that gifted students, including those who are twice exceptional, have special needs. Our services are aligned with the Department of Education’s policy, "Gifted and Talented in Public Schools" as well as their "Gifted and Talented Guidelines".


This year, instead of withdrawing students from their classes for enrichment modules, we will be extending our range of lunchtime interest clubs. These will include chess, writing, Chinese conversation and music, to name a few. The aim is to capitalise upon staff and student interests and expertise. We’d also like to include community involvement if possible so please let me know if you have a special interest or hobby you’d like to share with a small group of students. This could be anything from crochet, gardening and knitting to geology and chemistry.   


This year, we will be providing a wide variety of programming options to students throughout the regular school day rather than withdrawing them from their homeroom classes. Some of these programming options include:

  • flexible grouping practices such as cross-setting and multi-age grouping
  • varied instructional strategies such as pre-testing, modifications to pace, increased complexity and abstraction of tasks, and tiered, multi-layered activities
  • opportunities, where appropriate, for independent study

Contact Details

Jane Nolan is working as Learning Support Coordinator, GaTE, at Bateman on Thursdays this year. The best way to contact here is via email on


PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge)

The Policy for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students indicates that there are two levels of provision for gifted and talented government school students in Western Australia: school-based and supplementary. Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a centrally supported supplementary program.

PEAC in the South Metropolitan Education Region caters to the special learning needs of gifted and talented students in Years 5 and 6. Children are tested in Year 4 and are selected to participate in a range of innovative and challenging programs offered in a variety of ways. Children are withdrawn from regular class to attend PEAC programs They offer a wide range of academic extension programs in a variety of community and educational settings.

PEAC programs offer children:

  • an intellectually rigorous and challenging program
  • opportunities to interact with practicing experts
  • the opportunities to develop higher order process skills and in-depth investigation skills
  • the opportunity to work on open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance
  • the opportunity to socially interact with other gifted and talented students

PEAC Courses are self funding and and course charges range from a minimum of $20 up to $100 depending on course requirements, such as

  • use of an external venue
  • incursions/excursions
  • guest speakers
  • materials and additional resources
  • consumables
