MINILIT (Meeting Initial Needs in Literacy)
At Bateman Primary School we will be offering identified students MiniLit sessions three days a week to ensure that they read accurately and fluently, so that they have the best chance of reading for understanding and meaning.
* MiniLit is an early literacy intervention program.
* MiniLit is a program that provides reading instruction for young struggling readers who have failed to make progress after their first year of formal schooling.
* MiniLit is an intervention delivered to small groups.
* MiniLit is a program consisting of carefully structured and sequenced lessons, divided into two levels.
* MiniLit is a balanced reading program consisting of phonics, text reading and story book reading.
* MiniLit is a program that employs positive best-practice strategies to maximize instruction time.
Unless children have mastered the mechanics of learning to read by the end of their third year of schooling, many reading experts agree that they are likely to continue to be low-progress readers throughout their school careers and that their overall education will suffer accordingly.
As a consequence, it has now been widely accepted that there is a clear need not only to provide exemplary initial instruction in reading in the first year of schooling but also, and importantly, to monitor children’s progress to make sure that any individual children who are showing signs of struggling to learn to read are not left behind.
Bateman Primary is committed to working with all families to get best outcomes for students. You will be notified if your child has been selected for the MiniLit program.